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 Saturday February 22   

Southern Ontario Golfer 2007 Fall Invitational
Tournament Information / Registration Form
Over $3000.00 in Major Prizes:
Every Participant Receives:
  • Entry into major prize draws
    (over $3000.00 in prizes)
  • GOLFER GIFT from ClubLink
    (over $30.00 VALUE)
  • Entry in Closest to the pin contest
  • Entry in Longest Drive contest
  • Entry in Beat the Pro contest
  • Buffet style lunch after round
  • Use of Driving Range with Pro on-site
  • 18 holes of golf with Power Cart
  • Full use of Tournament Locker Room:
    Lockers, Showers, Towels
Tournament Details
Southern Ontario Golfer 2007 Fall Invitational
October 2nd, 2007 - 9:00 AM Shotgun Start
Kings Riding Golf Club
14700 Bathurst St., King City, ON.
Superb layout winds in and out through forests and over dales. Magnificent views, impeccable conditioning and fast greens. Elevation changes and strategic placement of bunkers and hazards test course management, club selection and shot making abilities.
- Please Scroll down for more facility details -
Southern Ontario Golfer thanks our Tournament Partners
Beat the Pro Hole

Cart Sponsor
Christopher R. Anderson
Christopher R. Anderson
CIBC Wood Gundy
V. P./Investment Advisor
(905) 897-3715 or Email
Range Sponsor
J. A. Golf Instruction
Tournament Itinerary
7:30 AM Registration Opens
7:30 AMDriving Range Open
8:10 AMProceed to Starting Holes
9:00 AMShotgun Start
2:00-2:30 PMReception at the 19th Hole
2:30-3:15 PMLunch/Prize Distribution
Registration for the "2007 Fall Invitational" is closed
Please stay alert for Tournament updates
Thank you for your interest in the
Southern Ontario Golfer 2007 Fall Invitational
Kings Riding Golf Club, October 2nd, 2007

Kings Riding Golf Club
Kings Riding Golf Club is a rarity among new golf courses. Built on the site of an old course, Kings Riding is a ClubLink Platinum Member Club that combines the look and challenge of a mature parkland layout with the atmosphere and features of a classic Scottish heathlands course.

Using the undulating topography of former Aurora Highlands Golf Club and taking his inspiration from the Kings Course at Gleneagles in Scotland, award-winning golf architect Thomas McBroom has fashioned a strategic and sporty course that proves a great golf course does not need to be killer length. Measuring 6,502 yards and a par of 71, Kings Riding delivers challenge, variety, memorability and beauty with 18 individual holes that test the ability of golfers to strategize, manage their games and hit precise shots.
Tournament Format/Rules
The tournament will have a double format:
  1. Individual score calculated using the Peoria System.
  2. A two person “better ball” team event.
1.) Peoria System:
The tournament committee secretly selects six holes and the competitors do not know which holes have been selected. Groups tee off and complete their rounds, playing stroke play and scoring in the normal fashion with one exception: double par is the maximum score on any hole.(i.e., 8 is the maximum score on a par-4). Following completion of play, the six Peoria holes are announced.

Example: On the six holes, Player A uses 30 strokes. 30x3=90. 90 minus par-72 is 18. Eighty percent of 18 is 14 (round off). Fourteen is the allowance. Player A's gross score is 90; 90 minus 14 results in a Peoria System net score of 76.

Peoria is sometimes called Bankers System or a Bankers Handicap.
2.) Better-ball Team Score:
We will either pair you up, or you can arrange to play with a partner.
You record your gross score using double par as a maximum for each hole. At the end of each hole you also record the better of the two scores you and your partner have recorded.

The scoring games are meant to add some fun to the event and there will be prizes for each. The more significant items will be given out as door prizes giving all participants an equal opportunity to win.

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